Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Murthy's BIG IDEAS and Vision of the BIG FUTURE

Visionaries Needed on Big Data: 
with Holistic Vision of Technology, Market and Value Realization 


Have you all read, heard, researched, analyzed and identified the Big Gaps in Big Data?

You are all probably attending lot of events with speakers, entrepreneurs and data base professionals talking about the Big Data forest. You have probably heard, again and again, the following:
  • What is Big Data?
  • How is it different from regular data base technology, data mart, data wear housing, data mining, data analysis, presentation and visualization, trending and decision making, with combined concepts of business intelligence?
  • You have heard of the definition of parallel processing, also termed as massively parallel processing, Map Reduce
  • You have heard of different platforms like Hadoop, MonoDB, Cassandra......
After reading, listening to and briefly discussing with many speakers, Big Data professionals and entrepreneurs, I am very glad that I have already met many who have described to me about the Big Data elephant and forest.

I know that this animal called Big Elephant is described as a BIG Animal, with following features:
  • Big years
  • Big pillar like legs, four of them
  • Big tubular organ, called trunk
  • Thick long rope, called tail
  • Very big belly
  • Big Head
Others talk about forest, as to how big and vast the forest is, and has all kinds of trees, plant, animals..........

This is how every new technology, market, breakthrough, business and essentially a new paradigm and a big revolution will be, as I have been through few in my life.

Here is a list of my observation:
  • Most talks reiterate the fact that there will be a lot of Big Data, but fail to dig in to detail.
  • Most speakers and writers are still trying to grapple with the following dimensions: 
    • Technology dept and breadth
    • Lack of a holistic understanding on hardware, software, database, networking, value to various markets, cost, price, cost to price elasticity, implementation issues, scaling issues.
    • How to deal with cases when the computing facilities are thousands of mile apart
    • Memory access at solid state speeds and not be limited by electro-mechanical speeds.
    • Compromise techniques between the velocity, variety, fail safe schema or soft failures and most importantly cost.
  • Most experts fall into these categories with associated weaknesses of a holistic understanding or prowess:
    • Database specialists
    • Service Consultants
    • Those with few years as employees, suddenly want to be entrepreneurs and executives
    • Want to be Big Data professionals
    • Figuring their way in the Big Data forest
    • Lack of knowledge of data center clusters and hardware, networking, costs and pricing
  • Venture capitalists, angels and other investors who have never been into a Big Data forest, but have invested.
    • These investors do not have knowledge nor understand the practical issues in technology, implementation, scaling, business, profitability.
    • Lack of holistic vision of scaling of hardware as fast as software to meet the Big Data dream and realization demands
    • Investors are betting on Big Data companies funding purely from valuation play not sustainable revenue, profitability and growth.
  • Will everything move to China, India and some to Russia etc as a matter of time in two or few years?
  • Most companies have the following experience and lack of track record:
    • Most companies and their professionals are very new at Big Data, previously solved by brute force of throw more money on hardware, employ and data base.
Lot of questions
  • How do we monetize?
  • How much does cost to set up and operate the Big Data Enterprise or Big Data capability in the cloud?
  • What are the competitiveness attributes of a successful companies that play in the product or service space of the Big Data ecosystem?
  • Will costs and price come down and at what rate in the future?
  • What about capital intensity - how much private equity and other investors invest - in hardware, software and service in the big Data space?
  • Can Big Data technology respond to real time data?
  • Can Big Data meet the real time and definitive decision making needs of mission critical environments like military, national disasters to include tsunami, earthquake, major and disastrous disruptions of virus attacks resulting in major power shutdown, world financial market / wall street crash, bio or atomic attacks?
  • What about American elections, when critical popularity survey and influencing of millions of Americans can be leveraged on Big Data mission critical intelligence?
  • How can Big Data capability play in other capitalistic countries like India, but lot more complicated than USA?
Murthy's Big Idea
  • Can Big Data trigger, create and make a Big Splash in the betting and gaming?
  • In betting industry, real time Big Data intelligence can revolutionize how betting is done. 
  • People can bet on almost any "not normally predictable", yet possible because of "Big Data MIGHT"  or "Big Intelligence". 
  • Therefore, Can we offer "Big Betting" as a service, some free "Freemium Big Betting" and much "Premium Big Betting"?
  • I want to start a company on Big Betting as a service. 
  • Do any of you want to join me? Are any angels? VCs or other corporate strategic investors interested in listen to my start up company proposal?
  • This Big Betting is probably the "Real Big Money" idea of all times, bigger than the "Big Companies" like Face Book, Twitter, Google....... and can surely leverage on all these "Already Big Players".
Let us discuss these and other topics in the future blogs. Please feel free to stop me anytime you see me in any of the upcoming events and ask me these questions, share your thoughts and discuss.

Please feel free to send me email to or directly call me on my cell (408)-464-3333

Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Data Company: Kick Starting a Start Up

Big Data Company: Kick Starting a Start Up

I want to organize and lead a lecture and panel discussion on this topic of starting a Big Data company to cover the following:

  • How hard can you kick?
  • How do you get expert kick stars? 

  • Answer: Search for those who have kicking marathon track record

  • What happens when many are kicking the same start up ball? 

  • Answer: They end up kicking each other

  • What to do when your leg hurts after kicking the same ball that does not move?

  • Answer: Make sure that it is not made of lead or already dead. Make sure that the ball has air in it. Get a different ball

  • Should you kick far or high?

  • Answer: Understand the ball dynamics. You have to kick it a perfect angle of 45 degrees for it to get the optimized path.

  • Secret from the Big Mahout: Use your head while kicking the ball, not your legs.

Dr. KRS Murthy  - He has track record of the fastest growing companies and many company M&A leadership.

Let me count the ways

Let me count the ways to feed the Big Elephant

Look anywhere around you. The Big Elephant can graze all it wants. The green pasture in the Big Data forest is so fertile, that a herd of elephants can happily and peacefully graze. 

Big Data forest can keep the Big Elephants happy and fat for all the decades to come. Let us count the ways.

  • All of us are already hooked to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and so many photo and video sharing sites like Picassa, Flikr, You Tube. We are all generating a lot of data every hour and day.
  • When you walk, talk, drive, jog and even every breath you take, you are all generating lots of data. Talk on cell phone, SMS on your smart phone, play a game on your mobile device, generating a lot of data. You drive in a car, while talking, generating data about you and about your car.
  • I can conceive of new embedded technology when your car radio will report to a data hungry company which radio station you are listening. These companies will even give you voice commands for you to change your radio station, and participate in surveys, further giving out a lot about your different life preferences and even "secrets".
  • We are already tricked by all these billion dollar valued companies to share information about our friends, secret friends and lovers, our complete "personality profiles". They make it fun and tempt us to tell these companies about everything about us. Our wife, husband or lover may even not know as much as these companies about us.
  • Everything is an open secret. You may not believe me when you are reading these sentences. However, the following types of information about you is all stored by these Big Data companies:
  1. Your name: different versions and variations
  2. Your date of birth
  3. Few digits of your social security number
  4. Bank Account Number
  5. Your current address and addresses for the last many years
  6. The car or cars you drive
  7. Your emails, Facebook accounts, Twitter handle, Linkedin and myriads of sites that gave you free service, as you have already signed off and given them permissions, beyond your belief. It is simple: none of us read the many pages of legal contracts and permissions, as we are eager to get to the free "candies" they give, and come back again with more candies. It is painless brain surgery, heart surgery, lobotomy and more.
  8. As you walk in or drive in to a store or any place, you may not even think that something "creepy is crawling" The store manager, the store clerk, and even the security guard, will know everything about you. They know all your purchase history, payment or non-payment history, and even if you have shop lifted or showed even the slightest tendency any time in your life. They know if you are with your wife / husband or boy friend / girl friend. They would know if you are hungry or thirsty. They know if you have been window shopping that day or any day of your life, and bought nothing or even looking for a price / discount deal.
  9. If you are web shopping, same things apply.
  10. The Big Data companies know all companies that you worked for, how much you have exaggerated on your Linkedin profile or resume websites. They know how many "resume personalities" avatars you have already taken. They can predict your next resume version better than GOD. This Big Data is bigger and smarter than your GOD! The list is endless!
  • With the smart grid happening and coming to life, even your home devices, equipment and furniture become "secret agents" to send all about your "home's personality"
  • Even inanimate objects, plants, animals and different "personalities of nature" will be fit with "secret agents" called wireless sensors. They are all connected to each other in a fault tolerant mesh network, talking to each other in "code languages" called protocols.
Yes. The Big Elephants will be very busy, day and night, data feasting, still hungry for more.

  • Does this give you a monstrous picture? 
  • Does this make you happy? 
  • Does this make you feel helpless?

Let me know how you feel by emailing to me at

Next story I am going to tell you is about "Security and Privacy".

What? What privacy are you thinking of anyway? You have none of it.

I will give you the topics of some of the future stories:

  • Zombie Elephants: The bigger the elephant that becomes a Zombie, the bigger the calamity
  • After you read some of these stories, you will never be afraid of darkness, devil, Satan, earth quakes, volcanoes, tsunami, atomic bombs, bio-weapons nor even the epic floods that some religions have predicted.
  • Now, you will not even be afraid of death.
  • From now on you will be able to get peaceful and sound sleep all nignt
  • Who am I kidding?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Enterprise Big Data

Calling all the mahouts and want to be mahouts.

  • Are you already mahout, big or small?
  • Do want to learn the tricks of the mahout trade?
  • Have you ever seen a Big Elephant, that has come to our planet?
  • Do you know how it looks, what is does, what eats, what it spits out?
  • Are you just curious; BI Curious; I mean Business Intelligence curious?
  • Do you want to take a ride on the Big Elephant?
  • Do you want to convert a Wild Elephant to a Mild Elephant?

You have come to the right place. You are living on this planet at the right decade and right century.

I am a Co-organizer of Enterprise Big Data Meetup
We are all excited about impending enormous growth in Big Data. Enormous amount of Big Data is being created regularly, every day.

You will learn from experts and colleagues, get to meet the pioneers in Big Data, participate in hackathons and think of starting your own companies in Big Data technology.

Big Data will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, start up companies, and growth of early stage companies.

If are already a Big Data professional, or even an aspiring Big Data professional transitioning from another background, this is the group that will groom you and propel you to become a Big Data expert for life 

We welcome Engineers, IT Professionals, Architects, Data Scientists, Analytics Experts, Sales and Marketing Professionals, Entereneurs.

We will be holding lectures, tutorials, panel discussions, demos, hackathons and networking for all professionals.

We will feature local, regional and international conferences with world famous big data experts, executives and big data celebrities.

Feel free to directly write to the organizers anytime with your ideas and interests.
As a co-organizer, I want to organize the following events with speakers and panelists in the following technologies and platforms:

  • Hadoop
  • MongoDB
  • GreenPlum

  • Map Reduce
  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Visualization
  • Healthcare
  • Video Games
  • Social Networking
  • E Commerce
  • Weather and Climate
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Telecommunications
  • Mobile
  • Transportation

Dr. KRS Murthy - You may read about me in the links below:
CEO, I Cubed
Santa Clara, CA 95014

Friday, April 20, 2012

What does the elephant see? How good does it see?

How well does the Big Elephant see? How well can it hear? What does it visualize?
Elephants are known to have big brains? They are also known to have long memories.
As the big data industry is growing at a fast pace, it is time to develop innovative visualization tools.
Big Data is becoming bigger than ever. Visualization of the BI data is important.
  • How can we make the visualization innovative and interHow ellactive and innovative?
  • How can we make visualization so impacting the it makes a good impression in your mind?
  • How can we make the visualization customized and relevant to the user?
  • How can we enable the visualization tools to be learning the user preferences and styles, so that it continuously becomes more and more adapting to the particular users?
When you starting doing business intelligence on the big data, and make choices of how you prefer to visualize, does this big elephant learn about you and your visualization preferences?

For the visualization to be adaptive, the big data BI engine should also learn your analysis parameters and big data slicing and dicing preferences, to be enable to serve you on a silver plate and be your custom chef to feed your favorite entree and menu choices, and even to make the chosen menu exactly the way you like it.

Imagine a restaurant where the doorman, the reception staff, greeters, servers and even the chef knows you by name, fame, the gourmet and wine, palette preferences and can basically read your mind and mood. That is how good a big data engine with its BI and visualization capability should be.

Imagine that the restaurant can read the mind of a lady, on all days of the month and ensure to put a smile on her face.

When you take your wife or girl friend to the Big Data restaurant next time, you should be guaranteed to have the "desert" after the dinner and the sweet desert!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Elephants are not ordinary pets

Elephants are not ordinary pets

If you like pets, you are human. People have pets like dogs and cats or even parrots, some with strange pets like snakes and lizards. There are certain kind of pets we call "techies" "geeks" and "hackers". Some of these techies, geeks and hackers fancy to be entrepreneurs. The time has come when these people have discovered that having an elephant for a pet is the "in thing" and "cool". 

There is a big difference between the other pets and elephants. This most important difference is that elephants are hungry all the time and they eat a lot for breakfast, lunch, dinner and many snacks in between and are hungry to eat in the nights and weekends. They need to be fed big data all the time; or else, they starve to death. While starving, they are so hungry that they eat your bank accounts, the bank accounts of the venture capitalists and even the private equity companies. When they starve and die, you are left with a elephant size debt.

Make sure to feed these big elephants with healthy and nutritious food from the big data forest. If you feed the elephant junk food, they produce foul smelling dung, and in boat load quantities. No customers will pay for that kind of output!

Hey! You "want to be mahouts", are you listening to me? Make sure to go to the markets in the Big Data Forest and carefully and very selectively collect healthy and nutritious food 

Baby Boomers will feed Big Elephants Big Time

Baby Boomers will feed Big Elephants Big Time

As the story goes.............

The earth suddenly became excessively fertile and procreative in the mid 1940s till mid 1960s. Can you calculate this period and note that it was TWENTY LONG YEARS. Kids, kids and too many kids. We called them baby boomers. These kids grew, become teens, adults and some are old past the age of 60. The fist wave hit five years ago.

Do you know that the baby boomers have fed and fueled the world market for a twenty year span already? The baby boomers are not babies any more! They are already becoming "Senior Boomers".

Here are the Senior Boomer demographics:
  • In USA, seniors make up more than 20% = 80 million
  • In China, seniors make up more than 35% = 525 million = more than the population of USA or many other countries
  • In India, seniors make up only 15% = 180 million, still more than the population of many countries of the world.
  • In the world, with a 20% seniors out of 7 billion total population = 1.4 billion

If you are an elephant, you will be the happiest animal.  You can eat as much as you ever want. The Big Data forest will have a lot of big and fat elephants and many small elephants, with probably many baby elephants trampled to the ground in the mad, mad, mad world of big elephants, all running around and competing with each other.

You need hundreds of thousands of Mahouts to control and manage the elephant population. You need to open a Mahout University with campuses in many parts of the world. If you are already a mahout, get ready to spread your progeny of mahout genes, and sow the Big Data Forest with your look alike  population.

Kids love Elephants

Kids love Elephants

You all have been kids in your life. Kids love elephants. If you own a baby elephant or even a fully grown elephant, or even a mahout, learn to love the kids.

Just to give you some understanding of the kids population in any country, they make up at least 10% to 15% of the total population. Kids use mobile phones, lap tops and computers. They watch a lot of TV. Parents spend big percentage of their income on their kids.

Kids feed the elephants. If you are a baby elephant, kids nourish you with a lot of big data, so that you can always and depend on kids for you to grow to be a big elephant very quickly.

Kids are responsible for generating a lot of big data. Kids can be considered to fall into different camps: Infant  age 1 day to few months; Baby till 2 or 3 years; Boy or Girl till the age of 10 years. You may include preteens in your demographics.

Video games start at kids age and transition into preteens. Today's kid customers are growing to grow as your teen customer.

Do not treat all kids and teens of different ages same. As they grow up, they like different things. They generate different types of big data as they grow up.

Video games generate real time data, very fast. If you are a hungry elephant, you should learn to eat the big data generated by video game play and become a very smart elephant. Bigger your head as an elephant, more green paper to you. As a business, you will surely like eating a lot green to grow fat and big, fatter and bigger than all other elephants.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby elephant is cuter than big elephant

Baby elephant is cuter than big elephant

We all know that baby elephants are cuter than big and full grown elephants. Working for a start up or early stage big data company is enjoyable. The professionals, and the founders are all young, many single, able to put in long hours, and learn a lot every day of work. Feeding the baby elephant with your brain power and hard work is enjoyable, especially as you see the elephant growing and building its muscle power almost every week. 

Before you realize it, the baby is not a baby anymore! All the founding and early stage employees will have fallen in love with the baby elephant, that is not a baby anymore!

You will be talking about your baby elephant to everyone you come across and brag about your baby, and when they say good words, it makes you happy inside, to the extent that you feel your long days and long weeks were worth it!

Baby elephant needs to walk before it runs

Baby elephant needs to walk before it runs

We may call it an elephant, and it may be desirous and destined to grow big some day in the future. Many of these big data companies are still baby elephants, even though they are genetically elephants. For elephants, we talk in terms of its size, wait and how much it eats per day. In the big data lingo, we talk of the number of nodes and clusters. 

Many of the big data professionals, and especially architects, are counting in two or three digits, whereas few have done four digits. Most baby elephants are learning to walk. 

There is nothing wrong in walking, without much fall, so that as the babies grow big tusks, long and powerful trunks and tusks, huge bellies and four very strong legs they are powerful and move big data well. The big elephant can not afford to fall, as the damage of such a fall will be very costly.

If anything can wrong, it will go wrong, sooner than you think!

If anything can wrong, it will go wrong, sooner than you think! 

Many things can go wrong! There are many more types of failures. The larger and more complex the system or network of systems, the higher the chances are to go wrong.

Trust me, as I have built and managed nationwide telecom networks, with international tie in.

Failures are not only disruptive, the implications are multifaceted. The failures may even bring down businesses.

Here are some examples of non-exhaustive types of failures:

  • Hardware failure
  • Process failure
  • Content morphing
  • Data base to data base violation
  • Malware creeping into the data base.
  • Sharing violation of top secret data

Where to Store the Data?

Where to Store the Data?

The data not only need to be stored in Big Data Centers, but also move between different centers distributed around the world. Every of these numerous data centers, big, bigger and more bigger, share analyzed data between them. They all need to be aware of each other and may need to share the "table of contents" or "index", so that they are "completely mutually aware".

Where and How is Big Data generated anyway?

Where and How is Big Data generated anyway?

Every human being, every animal, every automobile, every house, every machine, every commercial and industrial building generate lots of data routinely. The total world population is 7 billion, who live in almost 2 billion abodes consisting of multiple rooms, working, eating, and doing a variety of daily activities in not only their residences, but also work place, community places like schools, restaurants and shops producing lots of data. Similar logic applies for machines and automobiles etc.

Each data is made up of a variety of parameters, many interrelated. The big data ecosystem has to collect, store, analyze, trend plotted and decision made, thus creating distributed centers of "world intelligence". We should use labels like  "world wide databases" World wide intelligence" and "Global Collective Decision Making". This also means that, to collect so much data from all parts of the world, we require "Big Data Rates" flowing through "Big Data Pipes", "Big Data Bandwidth" and "Distributed Big Data Centers". The analytic engines which do "Big Data Science" need to be very fast and perform very complicated algorithms, with some algorithmic engines continuously learning, evolving and morphing.

There will be a lot of data produced in many fields. The examples are given below, only to be indicative and not exhaustive, to give most glaring areas:

Wireless Sensor Networks: The world will be embedded with ever increasing number of sensors of all possible type, in the urban, suburban, rural, remote and even in forests, mountains \, rivers and oceans. The sensors will collect data to include video and photo, temperature, humidity, pressure, flow, GPS position, speed, acceleration, sound, etc. on a continuous basis resulting in large volumes of data, that need to be collected, validated, processed, put in the right data base format, analyzed, trend to be determined, and ultimately decisions to be made. All this, not as individual sensor data, small areas, not offline, but many times real time based on combined and interrelated information at a holistic level. This surely requires a big data paradigm, the right big data analysis tools, all of this with scalability.

Dr. KRS Murthy’s Vision on Big Data

Dr. KRS Murthy’s Vision on Big Data

Welcome to my vision on Big Data. The name of the blog is BIG MASTER of BIG DATA.

I will be writing many small blogs on the big data. Small blogs have more punch than very long blogs, that may not be able to keep readers attention. I will be very brief, to the point and concise. I will promise to be very creative and at the same time a visionary. I will refer you to other content and events through links.

I am a poet, and therefore you may find a lot of poetic flavor in my writing. The genre of poetry has the power to say say a lot in only few lines, and gives the reader ample freedom to imagine and ponder.

You may contact me anytime on my cell (408)-464-3333 or by email

Here are some of the upcoming topics planned:
  • Small Data will be as big as or even bigger than big data
  • Baby elephant is cuter than big elephant
  • Baby elephant needs to walk before it runs
  • Baby elephant needs to exercise before it grows big
  • The world will have many more baby elephants than few big elephants, and very few woolly mammoths
  • When big elephants get old, they will retire, making way for new generation of elephants
  • There are too many mahouts mouthing too much, but only few can really control the elephant
  • The data forest will be full of a variety of animals, also many trees and other vegetation.
  • The animals in the data forest will surely quarrel with others
  • Expect some predatory animals to gobble up the other animals