Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Murthy's BIG IDEAS and Vision of the BIG FUTURE

Visionaries Needed on Big Data: 
with Holistic Vision of Technology, Market and Value Realization 


Have you all read, heard, researched, analyzed and identified the Big Gaps in Big Data?

You are all probably attending lot of events with speakers, entrepreneurs and data base professionals talking about the Big Data forest. You have probably heard, again and again, the following:
  • What is Big Data?
  • How is it different from regular data base technology, data mart, data wear housing, data mining, data analysis, presentation and visualization, trending and decision making, with combined concepts of business intelligence?
  • You have heard of the definition of parallel processing, also termed as massively parallel processing, Map Reduce
  • You have heard of different platforms like Hadoop, MonoDB, Cassandra......
After reading, listening to and briefly discussing with many speakers, Big Data professionals and entrepreneurs, I am very glad that I have already met many who have described to me about the Big Data elephant and forest.

I know that this animal called Big Elephant is described as a BIG Animal, with following features:
  • Big years
  • Big pillar like legs, four of them
  • Big tubular organ, called trunk
  • Thick long rope, called tail
  • Very big belly
  • Big Head
Others talk about forest, as to how big and vast the forest is, and has all kinds of trees, plant, animals..........

This is how every new technology, market, breakthrough, business and essentially a new paradigm and a big revolution will be, as I have been through few in my life.

Here is a list of my observation:
  • Most talks reiterate the fact that there will be a lot of Big Data, but fail to dig in to detail.
  • Most speakers and writers are still trying to grapple with the following dimensions: 
    • Technology dept and breadth
    • Lack of a holistic understanding on hardware, software, database, networking, value to various markets, cost, price, cost to price elasticity, implementation issues, scaling issues.
    • How to deal with cases when the computing facilities are thousands of mile apart
    • Memory access at solid state speeds and not be limited by electro-mechanical speeds.
    • Compromise techniques between the velocity, variety, fail safe schema or soft failures and most importantly cost.
  • Most experts fall into these categories with associated weaknesses of a holistic understanding or prowess:
    • Database specialists
    • Service Consultants
    • Those with few years as employees, suddenly want to be entrepreneurs and executives
    • Want to be Big Data professionals
    • Figuring their way in the Big Data forest
    • Lack of knowledge of data center clusters and hardware, networking, costs and pricing
  • Venture capitalists, angels and other investors who have never been into a Big Data forest, but have invested.
    • These investors do not have knowledge nor understand the practical issues in technology, implementation, scaling, business, profitability.
    • Lack of holistic vision of scaling of hardware as fast as software to meet the Big Data dream and realization demands
    • Investors are betting on Big Data companies funding purely from valuation play not sustainable revenue, profitability and growth.
  • Will everything move to China, India and some to Russia etc as a matter of time in two or few years?
  • Most companies have the following experience and lack of track record:
    • Most companies and their professionals are very new at Big Data, previously solved by brute force of throw more money on hardware, employ and data base.
Lot of questions
  • How do we monetize?
  • How much does cost to set up and operate the Big Data Enterprise or Big Data capability in the cloud?
  • What are the competitiveness attributes of a successful companies that play in the product or service space of the Big Data ecosystem?
  • Will costs and price come down and at what rate in the future?
  • What about capital intensity - how much private equity and other investors invest - in hardware, software and service in the big Data space?
  • Can Big Data technology respond to real time data?
  • Can Big Data meet the real time and definitive decision making needs of mission critical environments like military, national disasters to include tsunami, earthquake, major and disastrous disruptions of virus attacks resulting in major power shutdown, world financial market / wall street crash, bio or atomic attacks?
  • What about American elections, when critical popularity survey and influencing of millions of Americans can be leveraged on Big Data mission critical intelligence?
  • How can Big Data capability play in other capitalistic countries like India, but lot more complicated than USA?
Murthy's Big Idea
  • Can Big Data trigger, create and make a Big Splash in the betting and gaming?
  • In betting industry, real time Big Data intelligence can revolutionize how betting is done. 
  • People can bet on almost any "not normally predictable", yet possible because of "Big Data MIGHT"  or "Big Intelligence". 
  • Therefore, Can we offer "Big Betting" as a service, some free "Freemium Big Betting" and much "Premium Big Betting"?
  • I want to start a company on Big Betting as a service. 
  • Do any of you want to join me? Are any angels? VCs or other corporate strategic investors interested in listen to my start up company proposal?
  • This Big Betting is probably the "Real Big Money" idea of all times, bigger than the "Big Companies" like Face Book, Twitter, Google....... and can surely leverage on all these "Already Big Players".
Let us discuss these and other topics in the future blogs. Please feel free to stop me anytime you see me in any of the upcoming events and ask me these questions, share your thoughts and discuss.

Please feel free to send me email to or directly call me on my cell (408)-464-3333

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