Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You are cordially invited the BIG marriage

Match Made in Heaven

It is a made for each other match between energy and big data; especially green energy. You are all invited to partake in the marriage.

The role of Big Data Technology in all spans of energy is impending; its span includes generation, transmission, distribution and even the smart grid; it encompasses all functions: the full supply chain, manufacturing and assembly of different equipment, transportation logistics, installation, operation and maintenance.

Let us discuss one example at a time to make the point, starting with green energy, also called alternative or clean energy technology

Solar PV

The solar PV industry supply chain is made up of solar cell manufacturers, panel assemblers / manufacturers, the inverter companies, tracker companies, mounting and cabling companies.

The transportation logistics, installation, operation and maintenance for all type and size of installations: small and large solar farms on land, industrial, commercial and military roof top installations, the residential roof top installations, the building integrated PV (BIPV), on parking lot roof tops, solar for telecom towers and so on. Don't forget the soldiers who could carry flexible solar panels.

Now, wireless sensor networks (WSN) on the panels are very much needed to monitor the health of the solar panels. There would be WSN for perimeter security, building security, other asset security and the security monitoring of even the soldiers.

The WSN will routinely monitor not only security and report any failures, but more routinely the performance parameters of the different panels, spread across a small or large solar farms, roof tops, buildings, telecom towers and even the GPS based location monitoring, all mashed up on zoom capable maps. The WSN will also be for weather / climatic conditions like temperature, wind, dust, rain, hail.

This is essentially machine generated or WSN reported big data. When there would be hundreds of GW of solar installations in the upcoming years, it spells peta, exa and zetta bytes of big data, every hour, day, week and month of the year.

WSN as an Exploding Business Opportunity

Does this also give you any ideas of WSN as a very big opportunity, from variety of sensors, wireless motes, mesh network, gateways, monitoring centers in the data centers and on the cloud?

Other Green Energy Big Data Business Opportunity

The logical discussion in the previous paragraphs on Solar PV applies to the following: Solar Thermal, Wind Power, Hydro, Geothermal, Fuel Cells, Waste to Energy, Biomass to Energy etc.

Legacy Energy Big Data Business Opportunity

The legacy technologies whether they are coal, natural gas, big or micro hydro, big data would play a vital role in enabling and empowering all stake holders with aggregated, analyzed, actionable enterprise and infrastructure intelligence for prudent decision making.

We are Big Data Strategists and Futurists

Yes, we are loosing sleep over this 'business big bang' all over the world. Every minute and hour my brain is exploding with all these big bang explosion in big data applicable to many verticals, especially the energy industry.

Our company has developed proprietary secrets for USA and rest of the world to leverage on big data based aggregated, analysed, actionable business and enterprise intelligence for a variety of decision making, and vital routine use at all levels from CEO, CFO, COO down to supervisory professionals.

The investors in energy industry / market in private and public companies will find important decision and investment diversification decision value addition in big data.

In addition,  our company has developed additional secrets to ensure security of the different energy infrastructures. 

Energy companies should prudently adopt a holistic approach by utilizing the big data available through intently installing various wireless sensor networks through generation, transmission, distribution and the powermonitoring devices in residential, commercial, industrial, government and military buildings and campuses.  Load management and power routing is extremely important for enhancing financial performance of the business and getting most of the big data intelligence. It all spells "high availability"

Thousands of new breeds of entrepreneurs will emerge stimulating business and employment opportunities in big data collection, different stages of processing, analysis, intelligence, data and visualization.

Increasingly in the energy industry and infrastructure,  O&M, as well as total business efficiency, the big data analysis must be accomplished in near-real time to provide the best return on investment for pertinent stakeholders. 

Feel free to contact us for big data strategy, proof of concept (POC), implementation and execution of your company big data strategy.

We will also be glad to be Key Note Speakers and featured speakers in international conferences and also organize & moderate panels discussion, and interview experts as part of fire side chats.

Dr. KRS Murthy Skype ID: drkrsmurthy (408)-464-3333

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Global Big Data Summit 2012 / 2013 And International Joint Venture Delegation

Global Big Data Summit 2012 / 2013
International Joint Venture Delegation
(Routine Updates on these sites)

You are cordially invited to attend the event.
  • We are planning to organize the Global Big Data Summit in many metropolises in USA and in many countries and continents around the world.
  • If you are interested in being the host or co-organizer or sponsor for any location or locations of your choice, please send your or your company experience and track record in conference, summit or international business delegations, along with your contact details.
  • If you are a big data experts in strategy, technology, business, marketing, business development, deal making, strategic alliances, joint ventures, mergers and acquisition, angel, venture capital, private equity, industry analysis, press and media, government professionals and regulators, please send your participation interest with your name, title, company / organizational affiliation, address, phone, email, Skype ID, twitter ID and type of interest in the SUBJECT TITLE and body of the email.
  • If you are a subject matter expert and interested in speaking, please send the talk title, abstract and professional profile along with other contact information with "Speaker" in the SUBJECT TITTLE and also in the body of the email.
  • If you are interested in attending as a VIP delegate, with special interest in joint venture or funding, please make sure to expressly mention that you are a VIP Corporate Delegate or a Financing Company in the subject title and also in the body of the email.
  • Please send emails to
  • You may also connect with me on Skype ID: drkrsmurthy or call me on  (408)-464-3333

The citizens of the world today are producing more data than ever in the history. Without consciously thinking about it, their mobile handsets, their bank and credit card type transactions, while at home, driving around and even their very homes are producing “big data”. We do not speak of giga or terra anymore, already in peta, and soon exa and in the upcoming years zetta and much larger numbers of bytes of data. Please note that each of these measures of data are progressively 1000 times the previous.

There is inflation or explosion of data volumes, and we have recently crossed inflexion point or the cusp of this unprecedented and accelerated growth of data. As a futurist, Dr. KRS Murthy professes that (big) data will be the new international currency, with various big data bartering, trading and swaps becoming a common thing of the upcoming years.

Big data is a 'gigantic creature' that seems to grow with unending appetite. Big data technology in different market verticals aims to tame this 'creature' and even domesticate to use it as a tool to make predictions and find the most critical and actionable items of intelligence.

Increasingly, this must be accomplished in near-real time and the information must be packaged in a format capable of being shared with all other pertinent parties. The result is that sensor, computer and communication technologies are being strained beyond capacity to keep pace with current and future information management and analysis needs. ‘Big Data’ tools, techniques, and technologies seek to provide the means to analyze exploit and share conclusions drawn from this seemingly overwhelming information load.

Global Big Data Summit

         Conference Chair: Dr. KRS Murthy
         Conference Committee: Industry Experts from different countries
         Inter Government Committee: Government Leaders
         Host Country Committees: Various for event organization and sponsorship

The Global big data summit brings together the key government and industry experts who are shaping the direction of big data research and development, especially to launch many countries on par with other countries in other continents, leveraging the most important equalizer: Knowledge Economy.

Attendees and Delegates: Countries of the world
Attendance Budget
·         Target total attendance 500 or more for open plenary
·         Between 50 to 100 for special parallel sessions
·         Between 25 to 50 companies in parallel private sessions for business and technology alliances and MoU, Joint Ventures (JV) & Contracts
·         Closed door inter government leaders caucus – Parallel Sessions

The summit will address the following example / suggested topics:
·         What is the unique business opportunity in big data?
·         The different big data functional and market verticals – How to prioritize?
·         What are the latest needs and initiatives in big data?
·         How is big data analytics being applied to Information sharing, fusion, video analytics, atmospherics, identity, biometrics, and a whole range of other critical mission applications?
·         What role are new tools, techniques, and technologies – predictive analytics, cloud computing, metadata, etc. – playing in making big data analytics a reality?
·         What are the future challenges and opportunities?
·         What role(s) can different countries play?
·         Potential Mergers and Acquisition Scenarios

Strategic Focus Areas
·         Leading Big Data Experts will examine various aspects including:
·         Role of Governments in Big Data: National and International Strategy, Policy, Plans and Initiatives
·         National and International Big Data Strategy and Identification of High-Value Missions and Applications
·         Big Data Related Compliance, Regulations and Vulnerabilities
·         Building in Flexibility, Scalability, Privacy and Security Issues and Solutions
·         Need for Private Cloud Services and Government Managed Cloud for Big Data
·         The Latest Tools and Technologies – Predictive Analytics, Semantics, Sentiment Analysis, Causal Analysis, Cloud, Metadata, etc.
·         Big Data Analysis Implementation: Collection, Processing, Management and Dissemination Strategies and Techniques
·         Big Data Analysis in the Enterprise Architecture
·         Big Data in Different Verticals
·         Big Data Education and Training: In Colleges and Universities, Private Training Companies, Nationally Funded Work Force Training Programs, Tuition Assistance and Scholarships
·         National Competitiveness in Big Data
·         National and Regional Centers of Excellence.
·         National and International Angel, Venture and Private Equity Opportunities
·         How should governments provide funding and financial stimulus to big data industry covering start up, small, medium and large companies.
·         Government Models for Involvement as a Enabler or Catalyst in Big Data industry Capability and Growth

Conference Format
·         Half Day Plenary and Open Sessions – large group of attendees representing the governments, industry leaders, business financing companies, academicians, youth entrepreneurs and scholars.
·         Special parallel sessions to address business and technology alliances, training and recruitment, offshoring opportunities and government leadership roles to empower the businesses and technologists.
·         MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and other contractual agreements in private sessions.
·         Evening networking, gala dinner event and presentation by visionary leaders.
·         International business delegation tours to local industries
·         Company Exhibits and Country Showcase Pavilions

Business Delegations, Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures and Investors
·         Two to Three days of Business Collaboration and Joint Venture Opportunities, Connections & deals
·         Pre-qualified & Screened Attendees Ensure the Best Opportunities for Meaningful Connections
·         Executive Level and Secure Online Deal Rooms to Expedite the Exchange of Confidential Information
·         Pre-Summit Web Conferences to Prepare Participating Executives Result Oriented Presentations
·         Delight Filled and Relaxed Ambiance in Networking Enclaves for VIP Attendees for Deal Making
·         Legal and Finance Consultants will be available, as needed

Founders, Chairman, Managing Partners / CEO, Managing Directors, Principals, Presidents, VPs, COOs, CFOs


Dr. KRS Murthy
CEO, Big Data Experts and I3 World
 (408)-464-3333     Skype ID:  drkrsmurthy   Twitter:  bigdataexpert

Monday, June 25, 2012

Global Big Data Summit - Toronto, Canada

A great opportunity to launch your business in Canada, expand your international business contacts, your contacts in Canada and accelerate your business in Canada, USA and North America.

You are cordially invited to attend the Global Big Data Summit. 

Please contact Dr. KRS Murthy, (408)-464-3333 or email to  

or look at 

and for updates.

If you are an expert in Big Data technology or business and want to speak, please send your name, company or organizational affiliation, contact details, topic, a summary of your topic, your professional profile and previous speaking experience to

Toronto 2012

The summit will be held in Toronto this summer.

Summit Organizers: I Cubed, Big Data Experts and Inventikon
Summit Chair: Dr. KRS Murthy
Summit Co-Chair: Mr. Ovidiu Anghelidi
Key Note Speaker: Dr. KRS Murthy
Featured Speakers: Internationally reputed big data technology and business experts from USA, Canada and other countries
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada - will be announced later
Date: Will be announced later

Dr. KRS Murthy
My Skype ID is    drkrsmurthy 
CEO, I Cubed and Big Data Experts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Global Big Data Summit

Dear Big Data Enthusiasts:

I have an initial proposal for a Global Big Data Summit. The summit can be hosted in your city, state or country. 

Please let me know if you or a local group is interested in taking leadership, so that we can discuss the details and tailor the scope between one day to three days.

Let us do a Skype conference call (ID: drkrsmurthy) to follow up and develop specific details or email:

My Big Data Profile: 

Global Big Data Summit


The citizens of the world today are producing more data than ever in the history. Without consciously thinking about it, their mobile handsets, their bank and credit card type transactions, while at home, driving around and even their very homes are producing “big data”. We do not speak of giga or terra anymore, already in peta, and soon exa and in the upcoming years zetta and much larger numbers of bytes of data. Please note that each of these measures of data are progressively 1000 times the previous.

There is inflation or explosion of data volumes, and we have recently crossed inflexion point or the cusp of this unprecedented and accelerated growth of data. As a futurist, Dr. KRS Murthy professes that (big) data will be the new international currency, with various big data bartering, trading and swaps becoming a common thing of the upcoming years.

Big data is a 'gigantic creature' that seems to grow with unending appetite. Big data technology in different market verticals aims to tame this 'creature' and even domesticate to use it as a tool to make predictions and find the most critical and actionable items of intelligence.

 Increasingly, this must be accomplished in near-real time and the information must be packaged in a format capable of being shared with all other pertinent parties. The result is that sensor, computer and communication technologies are being strained beyond capacity to keep pace with current and future information management and analysis needs. ‘Big Data’ tools, techniques, and technologies seek to provide the means to analyze, exploit and share conclusions drawn from this seemingly overwhelming information load.

Global Big Data Summit

         Conference Chair: Dr. KRS Murthy
         Conference Committee: Industry Experts from different countries
         Inter Government Committee: Government Leaders
         Host Country Committees: Various for event organization and sponsorship

The Global big data summit brings together the key government and industry experts who are shaping the direction of big data research and development, especially to launch many countries on par with other countries in other continents, leveraging the most important equalizer: Knowledge Economy.

Attendees and Delegates: Countries of the world

Attendance Budget

         Target total attendance 500 for open plenary
         Between 50 to 100 for special parallel sessions
         Between 25 to 50 companies in parallel private sessions for business and technology alliances and MoU
         Closed door inter government leaders caucus – Parallel Sessions


The summit will address the following example / suggested topics:

         What is the unique business opportunity in big data?
         The different big data functional and market verticals – How to prioritize?
         What are the latest needs and initiatives in big data?
         How is big data analytics being applied to Information sharing, fusion, video analytics, atmospherics, identity, biometrics, and a whole range of other critical mission applications?
         What role are new tools, techniques, and technologies – predictive analytics, cloud computing, metadata, etc. – playing in making big data analytics a reality?
         What are the future challenges and opportunities?
         What role(s) can different countries play?

Conference Format

         Half Day Plenary and Open Sessions – large group of attendees representing the governments, industry leaders, business financing companies, academicians, youth entrepreneurs and scholars.
         Special parallel sessions to address business and technology alliances, training and recruitment, off-shoring opportunities and government leadership roles to empower the businesses and technologists.
         MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and other contractual agreements in private sessions.
         Evening networking, gala dinner event and presentation by visionary leaders.
         International business delegation tours to local industries
         Company Exhibits and Country Showcase Pavilions

Friday, June 8, 2012

Even Strategy should be Big in Big Data

Even Strategy should be Big in Big Data

Many business and technology professionals talk about "strategy"; they real do only tactics. Few, including veterans, do not yet digest the concept, and surely the implementation, of strategy.

This is not meant to be under estimating any industry veteran. Having built, grown and managed companies and business units of Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies, as well as the fastest growing companies in USA, I surely understand the industry pressure, and the pressures from investors and wall street. However, strategy for a corporation, big and small, is as important as breathing for a living being.

Strategy is not a "one word" concept, as many assume to be. Strategy has many facets. Strategic thinking needs you to have a closet full of thinking caps in your intellectual closet; the right one should be chosen from many in your closet, to best suit the occasion, to suit the corporation's size, type of industry, the portfolio of products and services, the country or geography, purpose at hand, the competitive environment, the economy and market.

To use another metaphor, strategy is just not a single stick you keep using to beat up in an occasion or situation; it is really like a large tree, with various branches, which you may think of as alternatives or options, based on the task at hand. Please also imagine this tree to adapt or morph as the industry and market driving factors change; imagine the tree to sprout new branches often.

Big Data is an impending phenomenon of unprecedented scale, growth and impact on the different beneficiaries: the technology, platform, tools and other products;  the hardware, software and systems companies; the various types of services companies; the new entrant companies; the entrepreneurial hot shots; the professionals, both the new kids on the block and "want to be" big data professionals; the consumers (C), businesses (B) and the governments (G).

Big Data demands Big Thinking; it demands different kind of thinking; it surely demands very fast thinking.

Most companies, big, small, start up and some even very large, and professionals know and feel that Big Data is a Big Opportunity, however, are not at all prepared to face the GIGANTIC Big Data wave that will surely overwhelm most of them. Get overwhelmed or get prepared to ride this gigantic wave.

Data will be an important currency in all aspects of our life and for the companies; the only difference this time around is that the data currency is measured in terra, peta, exa and zetta bytes and $ in millions and billions to digest this size of data explosion. The most important aspect of the business in the upcoming years and decades is how efficiently and economically you can convert the data currency to the $ currency.

The futurist in me says:

  • The data currency will have banks, trading, bartering and swaps.
  • The data currency will be local, regional, national and international, and in fact, tear the barriers, also "tunnel" though the barriers, of the current international money and gold currency walls.
  • Big Data owners, digesting technology and services companies, trainers, data traders and banks are all going to rule this now world of big data.
  • Whoever very quickly grabs the big data land (the big data land grabbers) will be kings and emperors of this new big data universe.
  • We all know what kings and emperors have done in history: They fight with each other, occupy others' territories and create bloodshed.
  • The kings and emperors fighting with each other, occupying each other and the blood shed is a metaphor for: "Big" Competition, Mergers and Acquisitions, Consolidations and Employee Lay-offs.
  • We as people, the universal citizens of the Big Data universe, generate data to contribute to the big data volumes, be targets and beneficiaries (the dichotomous roles) that the product and services companies "love", at the same time cry and scream about our privacy and security.
  • Talking about privacy and security, this is going to be a big business opportunity.
  • Even the state and national level elections, like the upcoming US presidential elections will be a hot bed of big data industry, with the presidential candidates carrying a mobile device to know what the people are thinking about them and accordingly give speeches and tweets with message bytes.
  • The media will use all this big data intelligence in their various broadcast and even exploiting the power of your mobile devices, which in turn modulate your "data creation behavior"; a new paradigm in "feedback loop" phenomenon of the big data.

I will be writing in detail about the astute practice of strategy and including the bag of tricks and techniques.

My purpose of this blog is to make all of realize that Big Data players need a paradigm shift in its strategy, to instill in your mind and also in your guts that the tactical thinking is sneaking into your heads, while you believe that you are thinking strategically.

Any of you may contact me for strategy. I am also a believer in tactics, that I have practiced in the past decades running companies.

KRS Murthy,  or or (408)-464-3333