Big Data Consulting:
Companies and Consultants
The world has already started changing, once again. We all know how the world has changed so many times, starting with the invention of the wheel long ago, and off course the recent ones to include, mobile phones and other computing devices, smart TV, ubiquitous wireless sensor networks (including cameras). The recent happening is Big Data revolution.
Welcome to the world of Big Data. I am creating a summary of the topics to be discussed in future blogs, lectures, panel discussions and Key Note Speeches.
The Big Data World is made up of the following:
- Big Data Platform and Product Companies: Companies which have big data platforms and big data analysis and visualization. Other products and platforms are in the making with current large, small and even start up companies. I predict as a futurist that many more product companies, big, small and start up companies will come in the next months. Some of these companies may the Big Stars, which may grow up to be and stand tall with companies like Face Book and Twitter, shining in the public market.
- Big Data Service Companies: Companies who provide a variety of services, including and not limited to, consulting services.
- Some companies who may play both roles as in 1. and 2.
I will discuss in the following blogs about Big Data consulting world.
- Big Data Consulting World: Variety of consulting services in the big data and related / adjunct technology, security, prvacy, resilience, reliability, availability, opportunity analysis, gap analysis, pricing and price elasticity, business development, sales and marketing, events and event management, hardware, software and systems, hosting, integration, business / market vertical, training, documentation, strategy, marketing, tools (BI, Data Science, Visualization, Documentation)
- Big Data Consultants are individuals who provide a variety of consulting services.
- Big Data Consulting Companies are companies with employees and consultants providing a variety of tools and services, on a project basis or simply providing professionals on an hourly basis.
- Big Data Professionals: Employees of consulting companies and individual consultants.
- Big Data Training: Individuals and small teams, Companies, Colleges, Universities
- Big Data Authors, Bloggers, Book Publishers
- Big Data Event Organizers: Lectures, Symposiums, Conferences, Expositions / Exhibits, Job Fairs, Webinars, Hackathons, Short and Long Versions
- Big Data Investors: Angels, Venture Capitalists, Private Equity Companies, Corporate Strategic Investment Business Units or Spin-offs, Crowd Sourcing Companies
- Big Data Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
- Governmental
Organizations with CIO type departments with special focus on Big
- International organizations which create guidelines, standards and regulations, and also oversee / certify in the Big Data world
Expect me to write detailed blogs on the topics discussed in this blog.
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