Sunday, June 17, 2012

Global Big Data Summit

Dear Big Data Enthusiasts:

I have an initial proposal for a Global Big Data Summit. The summit can be hosted in your city, state or country. 

Please let me know if you or a local group is interested in taking leadership, so that we can discuss the details and tailor the scope between one day to three days.

Let us do a Skype conference call (ID: drkrsmurthy) to follow up and develop specific details or email:

My Big Data Profile: 

Global Big Data Summit


The citizens of the world today are producing more data than ever in the history. Without consciously thinking about it, their mobile handsets, their bank and credit card type transactions, while at home, driving around and even their very homes are producing “big data”. We do not speak of giga or terra anymore, already in peta, and soon exa and in the upcoming years zetta and much larger numbers of bytes of data. Please note that each of these measures of data are progressively 1000 times the previous.

There is inflation or explosion of data volumes, and we have recently crossed inflexion point or the cusp of this unprecedented and accelerated growth of data. As a futurist, Dr. KRS Murthy professes that (big) data will be the new international currency, with various big data bartering, trading and swaps becoming a common thing of the upcoming years.

Big data is a 'gigantic creature' that seems to grow with unending appetite. Big data technology in different market verticals aims to tame this 'creature' and even domesticate to use it as a tool to make predictions and find the most critical and actionable items of intelligence.

 Increasingly, this must be accomplished in near-real time and the information must be packaged in a format capable of being shared with all other pertinent parties. The result is that sensor, computer and communication technologies are being strained beyond capacity to keep pace with current and future information management and analysis needs. ‘Big Data’ tools, techniques, and technologies seek to provide the means to analyze, exploit and share conclusions drawn from this seemingly overwhelming information load.

Global Big Data Summit

         Conference Chair: Dr. KRS Murthy
         Conference Committee: Industry Experts from different countries
         Inter Government Committee: Government Leaders
         Host Country Committees: Various for event organization and sponsorship

The Global big data summit brings together the key government and industry experts who are shaping the direction of big data research and development, especially to launch many countries on par with other countries in other continents, leveraging the most important equalizer: Knowledge Economy.

Attendees and Delegates: Countries of the world

Attendance Budget

         Target total attendance 500 for open plenary
         Between 50 to 100 for special parallel sessions
         Between 25 to 50 companies in parallel private sessions for business and technology alliances and MoU
         Closed door inter government leaders caucus – Parallel Sessions


The summit will address the following example / suggested topics:

         What is the unique business opportunity in big data?
         The different big data functional and market verticals – How to prioritize?
         What are the latest needs and initiatives in big data?
         How is big data analytics being applied to Information sharing, fusion, video analytics, atmospherics, identity, biometrics, and a whole range of other critical mission applications?
         What role are new tools, techniques, and technologies – predictive analytics, cloud computing, metadata, etc. – playing in making big data analytics a reality?
         What are the future challenges and opportunities?
         What role(s) can different countries play?

Conference Format

         Half Day Plenary and Open Sessions – large group of attendees representing the governments, industry leaders, business financing companies, academicians, youth entrepreneurs and scholars.
         Special parallel sessions to address business and technology alliances, training and recruitment, off-shoring opportunities and government leadership roles to empower the businesses and technologists.
         MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and other contractual agreements in private sessions.
         Evening networking, gala dinner event and presentation by visionary leaders.
         International business delegation tours to local industries
         Company Exhibits and Country Showcase Pavilions

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